This email has taken far too long to reach y'all, but I believe the delay speaks of the business of our new life as a family of four. Collier Conlon Grace joined us at 4:23 am on February the 8th after much, much anticipation. The labor was very quick, so quick in fact that it caused bruising on his face giving him Jaundice. Otherwise,he was a completely healthy baby. We spent four days in the hospital. Collier spent most of the time on a lighted electric blue blanket in order to reduce the amount of Jaundice in his system. He also spent time in the nursery under various other lights and had many blood tests taken.Thank the Lord that infants sleep so much of the time! It is so good to have him home and healthy.
We are all adjusting well. Adam and I feel amazed that we have two baby boys. How is it that you fall instantly in love with this baby that you've only known for moments, just as in love as the baby you've cuddled for 17 months? It just speaks of God's infinite wisdom how he just multiplies the amount of love one person can give. Elijah hasn't shown any signs of jealousy. While I nurse, he often times comes up and really gently rests his head on Collier's giving him a little snuggle. When I'm changing Collier's diaper, Elijah will sometimes grab a wipey and clean off his face or his blanket. It's sooo precious.
Thank you for your prayers and for the many meals that have been brought to us. And thank you Mom, Robert, Judie, and Dan for loving on Elijah while we were in the hospital.
We love you all very much,
The Graces
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