Friday, February 22, 2008

Letter from the Graces

Our Dear Friends and Family,
This email has taken far too long to reach y'all, but I believe the delay speaks of the business of our new life as a family of four. Collier Conlon Grace joined us at 4:23 am on February the 8th after much, much anticipation. The labor was very quick, so quick in fact that it caused bruising on his face giving him Jaundice. Otherwise,he was a completely healthy baby. We spent four days in the hospital. Collier spent most of the time on a lighted electric blue blanket in order to reduce the amount of Jaundice in his system. He also spent time in the nursery under various other lights and had many blood tests taken.Thank the Lord that infants sleep so much of the time! It is so good to have him home and healthy.
We are all adjusting well. Adam and I feel amazed that we have two baby boys. How is it that you fall instantly in love with this baby that you've only known for moments, just as in love as the baby you've cuddled for 17 months? It just speaks of God's infinite wisdom how he just multiplies the amount of love one person can give. Elijah hasn't shown any signs of jealousy. While I nurse, he often times comes up and really gently rests his head on Collier's giving him a little snuggle. When I'm changing Collier's diaper, Elijah will sometimes grab a wipey and clean off his face or his blanket. It's sooo precious.
Thank you for your prayers and for the many meals that have been brought to us. And thank you Mom, Robert, Judie, and Dan for loving on Elijah while we were in the hospital.
We love you all very much,

The Graces

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

13 month stats

With all the excitement for Collier's arrival a couple of weeks back, I forgot to post Sam's 13 month check up statistics. This visit was supposed to be at one year, but the doctor had to be out; thus the 13 month mark.

Sam weighed in at (sounds like a little boxer, doesn't he) 21lb, 13oz. He didn't quite triple his weight like I've heard is the goal. But who cares! How in the world are you going to make your kid gain a certain number of pounds or inches anyway? Sam gets lots of good food, hours of loving attention and more dirt & dog hair in his diet than most kids his age. That's good enough for us.

He's also 29 1/2 inches long and has about 8 teeth these days. I say about because one of those is a molar and it's not all the way through yet.

And just last night he started wearing his 12-18 month pjs. He looked so cute in the brown puppy ones. Thanks Su-su! We roll up his pants and I think shorts are going to look more like capris, but overall 12-18 months are the thing. Except shoes, of course - this boy is a Morris (my maiden name) when it comes to his feet. Size 6 (18-24 months) is not far away. To be fair, that's not so much due to length as to thickness.

So those are the stats. They all add up to one happy kiddo!

Monday, February 18, 2008

More Collier Pics

Collier and Elijah with Grandy & Grammy (Robert & Mom)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Welcome Cousin Collier

Sam is proud to announce his little cousin's arrival:
Collier Conlon Grace was born Friday February 8. He weighed 7lbs. 6oz. and was 20.5 inches long. He and Melissa arrived home today (Monday). It looks like Elijah's just realizing that this new little guy is here to stay.

Mom and Robert have been taking care of Elijah while Adam and Melissa were in the hospital with Collier. Elijah's been getting the royal big brother treatment - enjoying french fries, Dr. Pepper and stickers at McDonald's among other special treats.

Drew, Sam & I are eager to meet this handsome new boy in Arizona at the end of the month.

Welcome Collier - we're glad you're here!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Fun at the Farm

We went to visit with an old friend of Jen's from high school, Christy (Fahrenthold) Rolf and her husband Noah (center). we had a great time at dinner with their friends Candice and Med (right), too.

We also got to visit our friends the Coles and stay at the farm they live on in Waco (World Hunger Relief). They also watched Sam while we had dinner - thanks Steph & David!

Very good times. The weather was great and Sam had enormous fun with the goats and chickens at the farm, and we also enjoyed Saturday afternoon at Cameron Park in Waco. I've put up some photos and video as proof. Enjoy. Click here for a link to more picures, (including one of me and chicken I slaughtered and cleaned this morning. Mmm, yummy!)

Also, here's proof of Sam's adventure with household appliances. Yes, he crawled into the dryer under his own volition!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Two Good

Today was wonderful.

Since the accident (Dec. 7) I haven't been able to pick up Sam. This means that I have had full time help raising him. Our church was incredibly gracious to make it possible. What it also means is that Sam and I haven't had time together, just the two of us, in two months. Maybe this wouldn't be a big deal if he was a generally unlikable kid; but Sam is, well, he's the second love of my life.

And today I appreciated time together more than ever. He cracks up laughing and I love it! After he wakes up from naps, turns on his own music, and plays quietly for about 15 minutes, I sneak into his room and he puts on a show for me in his crib. We play hide and seek. He dives backward into the crib bumper with one leg up in the air. He crawls the length of the bed with his head pressed into the mattress. He looks up to see if what he's doing is putting a smile on my face. And when he's ready to get out, he pulls up on the rails, gives me a big open-mouthed (slobbery!) kiss, and then signs "help" or "all done" or just reaches his sweet little arms up. -Before today he would play with me, but when it was time to get out of the crib, he knew to go to someone else since I couldn't lift him. But not today!-

He'd gotten mud on his Crocs, so I banged them against a post outside. This must have been the funniest thing Sam had ever seen. I was enjoying his laughter so much that I banged the shoes much more than it took to get the mud off.

He's an adventurer and a ham. He's stolen my heart for good.
I love you, Sam Justice.
It's good to be together again.