Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baby momma photo shoot

We went down to the path we always walk on and took some pictures of Jen, hopefully some of the last ones we get of this pregnancy. The doctor today said the baby has dropped more and Jen is 3 cm, 80% effaced. Any day now.

click on the photo below to see the whole album:

In the right direction

This morning Dr. B said I have progressed to 3 cm dilated & 80% effaced. She wonders if I'll be her New Year's Baby. Drew & I are wondering the same thing...

Monday, December 25, 2006

Baby's First Christmas: 2007

2006 brought a wonderful Christmas holiday, but it won't be Baby C's first (unless something really dramatic happens in the next 4 1/2 hours). That's a-ok with us, though.

But things are definitely progressing toward the wee one's arrival. Last Monday (at 37 weeks) my doctor found that I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. That's great news. Then last night (Christmas Eve), I had a string of unpredictable and painless, though noticable contractions. Not that it means birth is imminent, but the right things are happening to prepare me for when the time is right. We are ready to welcome this baby we've been hoping & praying for! I go back to Dr. B. on Thursday for my next check up. We'll keep you posted of any news or further progress.

It's been very nice to spend this Christmas with friends in town, rather than traveling. Though we've certainly missed our families, it's been the right thing to be here.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!

I didn't mention it previously because I've not been able to log in to Blogger for nearly a month (technical glitch), but the women in the department where we work REALLY surprised me with a wonderful shower on the 7th of December! They are all wonderful and thoughtful and we can't wait to introduce them to Baby C early in the new year. They made sure this little one's hiney is covered - literally! We plan to cloth diaper & they really set us up. Thanks, Ladies!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

36+ week belly

What a wonderful belly!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Showered with love

We pretty much have everything required for having a child, except, um...well, skills and experience. But as far as all the creams, lotions, various absorbant things, soft, tiny clothes, and fluttery mobiles, we're set. The baby is kicking like crazy, doing summersaults and such. I think I got some video of the baby moving throught Jen's belly. I'll get it up soon. Thanks to everyone who has supported us with gifts and love and support. The baby will be here soon.

Monday, October 16, 2006

A doctor's visit, and some thoughts on natural birth

An update from the doctors office: All is well. Jen does not have gestational diabetes, anemia, or any other bad things. The baby's heart beats about 140 times each minute, and is moving alot! We are very thankful.

As some of you know, Jen and I are taking a natural childbirth class called the Bradley Husband Coached Childbirth Method. Why are we doing this? Well, first of all it is very educational. While it does advocate unmedicated, natural birth, it also teaches alot about the stages of labor, what happens to the body during labor, what happens right after labor, etc. We also learn ASL signs to use with the baby and helpful tips for breastfeeding. What is so special about unmedicated natural birth? Well, it is how God intended birth to happen. Some of the supposed advancements of modern science have really had some adverse effects. There are lots of risks involved in things like epidurals and vacuum extractors. Before I go on to suggest that anyone should choose not to have an epidural, I will stop. I have zero credibility to do that. I am not a woman and have never given birth, so my voice has little validity.

What I can talk about is my role as "coach" during the birth process. Jen has decided to pursue natural birth, whether that means she has one or not. My job will be to coach and encourage her every step of the way. We practice this by doing relaxation excercises, physical excercises, and studying the progression of birth so that we can know what to expect. We are also creating a birth plan to go over with our doctor (who is very supportive of natural birth) and give to the attending nurses. This will say things like we don't want anesthesia offered to us unless we ask, we don't want to be restricted to the hospital bed (Jen should be able to move around and be where she is comfortable) or to an IV (a "hep lock" is okay though just in case), things like that. The medical establishment is not necessarily interested in us having a natural birth. They want to make sure nothing bad happens under thier watch, so they might unnecarrily intervene. My job will partly be a go-between for Jen and the nurses, so that Jen can concentrate on labor, and not on some arcane practice done for the nurses convience. All in all, I think natural birth is the way it should be. While I am thankful for the medical interventions that are available for the 5% of births that really need them, I think the medicalization of birth is one more way that modernity really screws us over.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

another good checkup

This morning we went in for another checkup & everything's looking great. Strong clear heartbeat, and the results from last month's ultrasound came in without a hitch.

The funny part is that according to this ultrasound, Baby C is due January 5 - the date that I had told Drew that I think the baby is going to come. In reality, this is so close to the original date that the due date won't officially change.

And, this afternoon I was able to get an extra ultrasound at Hope Pregnancy Center here in town. They needed "models" to give their technician practice, so I happily signed up. That's a great and much needed ministry in the area. The environment is welcoming and peaceful - just the kind of place I'd want to go if I was pregnant unintentionally!

I think I'll go look at Elijah's pictures some more... Isn't he so cute?!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Adam Elijah Grace is here!

I guess a good first step to being mom and dad is being aunt and uncle! Well, we officially are Uncle Drew and Aunt Jenny to Adam and Melissa's new boy, Adam Elijah. Elijah (as he is to be known) was born tuesday September 12th weighing in at 6lb10oz, and 18 3/4" long. He is healthy, and feeding and sleeping well. Here are a few pictures.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A note on the new ultrasound video

Especially for ultrasound technicians and other folks trained to read ultrasounds:
We really want to be surprised by our baby's gender at delivery. So if you know what we're having judging by the clip Drew provided, please kindly refrain from posting your expert opinion.

On the other hand - friends, family and all of you with no training in radiology or related fields - guess away! But I challenge you to watch the video several times before you guess. What I once thought was the baby's hand turned out to be the umbilical cord. We'll find out if you're right early next year!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

New Ultrasound Video

Hi all. I finally got around to editing our big ultrasound video. This one was at about 5 1/2 months. You can watch all 21 minutes of it in three parts if you look on my Youtube profile. Or you can just watch the ~2 minutes of highlights, including some good shots of the babies legs and arm, it's heart, and it's eye.

Friday, August 18, 2006

No thank you

These three words were difficult to utter yesterday when Dr. Blasingame asked if I'd like her to grab an ultrasound machine to find out our baby's gender. But Drew being in Colorado made it much easier! (This was the first appointment he'd missed. - What a great husband & dad!)

Baby C is really living up to the earlier nickname, "Wiggles". When Dr. B was trying to hear the heartbeat, we'd find it for just a second before the in utero acrobatics continued. The swishy little heart was going strong at 153 beats per minute - how does s/he have the energy to pump a little heart so fast and still exercise non-stop? (No wonder I'm tired!)

I am feeling some of Wiggles' wiggles these days. Usually when I sit down after going strong all day. I cannot wait until Drew can feel them, too. He's going to love it!!

We'll have the "big" ultrasound on the 28th - be looking for more video - when Drew's back in town, but we're still not going to find out if Baby C is a boy or a girl. We'll all have to wonder together until the big day.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Here's a little photo (without my head) to add to the proof that we really are pregnant for any doubters out there. Ok, so after watching the video, there probably aren't any doubters, but I still thought you might enjoy this:

But I just cannot compare to my sweet little sister's belly (below)! This is her at 28 weeks - she's 32 now.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


We went to Washington DC and the Jersey Shore a couple weeks ago and got to hang out with Jen's family and her little little sister Kristen. Kristen is 4 and is a delight to be around (most of the time). Jen and I took her to the zoo and it really felt like a family, with all the other kids being wheeled around to look at the animals. It was really fun. Here are some pictures.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

On 2nd

Actually, "in the second" is more accurate. I feel surprised & delighted that we're now in the second trimester, so that when we tell folks we're expecting we won't shock them saying we're only 5 weeks along.

All Baby C's critical development is complete & now's the time for some serious growth.

We're headed for family vacation so next week I hope to post some pics with my really pregnant sis, too.

Take good care -

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Thank you Rachel!

Rachel Burdette is the best!
She introduced me to Tums. Where had they been all my pregnancy? Needless to say indigestion is the way Baby C lets me know he/she's doing great. Already working on strong communication - I'm so proud.

If the folk legend holds true, this will be one baby with an awfully lot of hair.

Na, I'm doing really well. I got to visit with lots of relatives this weekend at my Great Grandmother Mulkey's 97th Birthday party. She's the picture of health & kindness.

And, we're nearly out of the first trimester - I hope that means I'll have energy again... time will tell.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Video premiere

Here is the video from our 2nd ultrasound. Baby is 10 wks, 3 days. Perfect for a January 8th due date.


go here if you can't see it above.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

that baby

My take on our first ultrasound.

Before the U/S, I really wasn't able to connect with the fact that we are going to have a baby. I understood it in an abstract sort of way, but that's it. Once I saw our baby move and when I saw it's heart beat, it took on new meaning for me. Instead of "yeah, we're having a baby" now it's "yeah, we're having that baby, the one in that picture right there, the one that I saw moving in my wife's womb." It is real now. I have seen it. I can't wait.

1st pic of wiggles, aka Baby C

Today we got to sneak in an early ultrasound at Dr. DeSplinter's office in Tomball (she's great!). So for the very first time we got to see Baby C wiggle, kick, jump and wave (more or less). Baby's heart is pumping away at about 160 beats per minute - no wonder I'm so tired.

Right now, our baby is right on track for a January 8 arrival.

Enjoy the photo!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

32 to go

A few brief, disconnected thoughts:

8 weeks pregnant feels a lot more pregnant than anything before. I'm not sure why that is exactly. I do feel more pregnant, physically. No morning sickness (& I'm pleased about that!), but tired - just generally pregnant.

Last week I visited family in Arizona and Drew headed to South Carolina for a wedding. I miss him. There's something special about pregnancy that can only be shared between the two most intimately involved.

We found out on Friday that my sister (Melissa, & her husband Adam) are having a baby boy! His name is Adam Elijah Grace. We're thrilled for them & are continually delighted that he'll have a playmate.

Now's the time when I'm not sure what to do with myself. Look at babystuff? Think of names? Take a nap? In some ways it feels like seven months is a long way away, so I don't know how to prepare... All in good time, I suppose.

Live well,

PS Drew created an blogger account for me so that my posts can really come from me from now on. He's the tech person in this house, for sure!

Monday, May 15, 2006

6 weeks and counting

In some ways it feels like it was months ago when we saw those pink lines, but it's only been 2 weeks!

Well six weeks (at least that's our best guess) into this thing we call pregnancy & I'm feeling really good. No nausea. Only indigestion, fatigue, and the weirdest belly button sensation you can imagine! It's not bad at all & I'm glad for the symptoms I do have to remind me that I am pregnant. Sometimes it just doesn't seem real.

Our first doctor's appointment isn't until June 15. Poor Dr. Blasingame, I'll have two hundred questions for her by then!

Blessings to all!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A little history - Jen's view

- Whenever I (Jen) post on the blog, it will be in green. -

Drew and I started trying to have children
a year and a half ago, in October 2004. When you're trying to have a baby, a year and a half feels like a long time. In January 2005, we found out that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). We went through several fertility treatments, nothing happened. We decided to take a break & wait. We were waiting for God to provide somehow: $ for another treatment cycle, $ for adoption, or even conception. During the treatment we had in January (IUI, if you're curious) I really felt like I heard God ask me to "Believe" Him for a baby. I didn't know if that meant adoption or conception, but I heard, nonetheless. After that treatment didn't work (which was terribly difficult), I realized that what I hoped for more than anything, was for God to do this baby thing in a way that would give most honor to Him. In the course of the first months of this year about ten (yeah 10!) of my close friends found out they were pregnant! Whew. A lot to take when you hope to join them so badly.
In late April, I began having a really hard time being around mothers and children. I actually began to feel angry toward them and super-distant. Especially at church - I just wanted to bolt as soon as the service was over!
Then (not a week later) I saw that my chart (I had been keeping track of my basal body temperature) was looking really promising. But, I was feeling sick - a cough, not nausea - so I thought maybe I had a fever. And I'd pulled some really late nights, given that it was the end of the semester, so mabye that's why my temps were high. For everything that looked good, I had a reason that it might be wrong.
Well, you've read Drew's post about how we came to take the test; but what do you know? We're pregnant! We're thrilled. And we feel like that God really did do this in a way that honors Him. We're so thankful.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

pregnancy test pics

Pregnancy test

We woke up tuesday, may 2nd and jen really wanted to take a pregnancy test. She had been tracking her temperatures and thought there might be a chance. I told her it was too hard to be let down with a test, because neither of us really thought we could be. So we went back to sleep for a while and I had a dream about having a baby boy and when we woke back up I felt better about jen taking the test. What do you know! Positive! We were totally shocked. After 2 years of trying and a few rounds of fertility treatment we get pregnant on our own! What a blessing.