Friday, August 18, 2006

No thank you

These three words were difficult to utter yesterday when Dr. Blasingame asked if I'd like her to grab an ultrasound machine to find out our baby's gender. But Drew being in Colorado made it much easier! (This was the first appointment he'd missed. - What a great husband & dad!)

Baby C is really living up to the earlier nickname, "Wiggles". When Dr. B was trying to hear the heartbeat, we'd find it for just a second before the in utero acrobatics continued. The swishy little heart was going strong at 153 beats per minute - how does s/he have the energy to pump a little heart so fast and still exercise non-stop? (No wonder I'm tired!)

I am feeling some of Wiggles' wiggles these days. Usually when I sit down after going strong all day. I cannot wait until Drew can feel them, too. He's going to love it!!

We'll have the "big" ultrasound on the 28th - be looking for more video - when Drew's back in town, but we're still not going to find out if Baby C is a boy or a girl. We'll all have to wonder together until the big day.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Here's a little photo (without my head) to add to the proof that we really are pregnant for any doubters out there. Ok, so after watching the video, there probably aren't any doubters, but I still thought you might enjoy this:

But I just cannot compare to my sweet little sister's belly (below)! This is her at 28 weeks - she's 32 now.