Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Harry Potter Halloween

For Sam's first Halloween, we went with a Harry Potter theme. I went as Minerva McGonagall, Sam went as Harry Potter (of course), and Drew went as Remus Lupin.

Our friends, Matt & Chenae and their son, Jackson also went with the HP theme. Jackson's red hair actually inspired the whole get-up. Here's a picture of the whole gang.

The best of the evening.... Ron (Jackson) & Harry (Sam).

Chenae crocheted the Gryffindor scarves, I sewed the robes and Drew whittled the wands. What a fun Halloween. This holiday is a heck of a lot more fun when it's celebrated with children!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Thursday, October 11, 2007

9 months strong

For those of you who dig stats, here are Sam's most recent:
19lb 3oz, 27 1/4"

He's babbling, crawling, pulling to standing, cruising, standing on his own for a few seconds, and is currently cutting his 2nd tooth (on the bottom next to his first). I think the top two are following very soon, I can feel them under the gums. He's seems like he's just beginning to catch on to the idea of waving bye-bye. Drew, Danny & I get so excited when he does.

He is so curious and bold. It's so fun to watch him explore his world. Today his Su-Su and Granddad (Cavin) are coming into town & I just can't wait to share him with them.

You know, I haven't mentioned Danny much, but I should! Danny is our housemate & friend and is a huge part of Sam's life. When Danny gets home from work about 3pm, Sam & Danny play and both of them positively light up! It's so good for "Uncle Danny" to be a part of all our lives. Thanks, Danny!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Thank goodness we have dogs!

...because without our pups we wouldn't have these videos to share

a day in his life

Sam loves the dogs. He hasn't mastered petting them gently, though. When they go out, he crawls over to the back door and waits (somewhat) patiently for them to come back in. Greta & Juneau are trying to teach him.

Sam & Drew playing the piano.
Sam loves to play. At least twice a day he crawls up to the piano, pulls up & reaches up to play as best he can. When he's not playing the piano, he's often playing Drew's guitar.

Sam & me brushing our teeth. Sam thinks this is really fun. He was so interested in me brushing my teeth that we got him is own tooth brush for his single tooth. (In this picture he had recently been treated with Gentian violet for thrush. He hadn't been eating otter pops! He did really need to brush those gums though.)