Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Colorado Videos

Here are some random videos from our trip to Colorado. Drew has some more, but hasn't had the time to edit them together nicely. He wants to make a "Summer of Love - 2007" video with all the best video from this summer.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Sam + Mountains = Love at first sight

Here is a schmorgasborg of photos from our trip to Colorado. We met up with our friends Steven and Heidi from South Carolina and went climbing and exploring in the mountains. Heidi took some really great pics that I will post soon. (She actually took a couple in this bunch as well.) Look out for some video as well. Enjoy.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Susan reminded me today that I never posted Sam's stats from his six month checkup. On July 19 he weighed 17 lb, 3 oz and was 27 1/2 inches long. He's almost out of 6-9 month clothing - 6-12 month things are usually safe though, & 12 month clothes fit with a little room to spare.

We've been taking swimming lessons the last two weeks. Sam & I went to the Starfish class at Adamson Lagoon. Sam had lots of fun & is learning to be comfortable in the water early. There are lots of summer pics to post. I may need to figure out how to post them, since Drew's been pretty busy lately.

For now, check out theleesblogspot.blogspot.com for some photos that Steph took of Drew, Sam & I and also of Melissa & Elijah.