Thursday, December 28, 2006

Baby momma photo shoot

We went down to the path we always walk on and took some pictures of Jen, hopefully some of the last ones we get of this pregnancy. The doctor today said the baby has dropped more and Jen is 3 cm, 80% effaced. Any day now.

click on the photo below to see the whole album:

In the right direction

This morning Dr. B said I have progressed to 3 cm dilated & 80% effaced. She wonders if I'll be her New Year's Baby. Drew & I are wondering the same thing...

Monday, December 25, 2006

Baby's First Christmas: 2007

2006 brought a wonderful Christmas holiday, but it won't be Baby C's first (unless something really dramatic happens in the next 4 1/2 hours). That's a-ok with us, though.

But things are definitely progressing toward the wee one's arrival. Last Monday (at 37 weeks) my doctor found that I was 2cm dilated and 70% effaced. That's great news. Then last night (Christmas Eve), I had a string of unpredictable and painless, though noticable contractions. Not that it means birth is imminent, but the right things are happening to prepare me for when the time is right. We are ready to welcome this baby we've been hoping & praying for! I go back to Dr. B. on Thursday for my next check up. We'll keep you posted of any news or further progress.

It's been very nice to spend this Christmas with friends in town, rather than traveling. Though we've certainly missed our families, it's been the right thing to be here.

Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!

I didn't mention it previously because I've not been able to log in to Blogger for nearly a month (technical glitch), but the women in the department where we work REALLY surprised me with a wonderful shower on the 7th of December! They are all wonderful and thoughtful and we can't wait to introduce them to Baby C early in the new year. They made sure this little one's hiney is covered - literally! We plan to cloth diaper & they really set us up. Thanks, Ladies!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

36+ week belly

What a wonderful belly!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006