Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Thank you Rachel!

Rachel Burdette is the best!
She introduced me to Tums. Where had they been all my pregnancy? Needless to say indigestion is the way Baby C lets me know he/she's doing great. Already working on strong communication - I'm so proud.

If the folk legend holds true, this will be one baby with an awfully lot of hair.

Na, I'm doing really well. I got to visit with lots of relatives this weekend at my Great Grandmother Mulkey's 97th Birthday party. She's the picture of health & kindness.

And, we're nearly out of the first trimester - I hope that means I'll have energy again... time will tell.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Video premiere

Here is the video from our 2nd ultrasound. Baby is 10 wks, 3 days. Perfect for a January 8th due date.


go here if you can't see it above.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

that baby

My take on our first ultrasound.

Before the U/S, I really wasn't able to connect with the fact that we are going to have a baby. I understood it in an abstract sort of way, but that's it. Once I saw our baby move and when I saw it's heart beat, it took on new meaning for me. Instead of "yeah, we're having a baby" now it's "yeah, we're having that baby, the one in that picture right there, the one that I saw moving in my wife's womb." It is real now. I have seen it. I can't wait.

1st pic of wiggles, aka Baby C

Today we got to sneak in an early ultrasound at Dr. DeSplinter's office in Tomball (she's great!). So for the very first time we got to see Baby C wiggle, kick, jump and wave (more or less). Baby's heart is pumping away at about 160 beats per minute - no wonder I'm so tired.

Right now, our baby is right on track for a January 8 arrival.

Enjoy the photo!